Edsby Help


The school/district server address "pallisersd" if you are using the Edsby App. 

Click here to access Edsby:  https://pallisersd.edsby.com/p/BasePublic/

All parents have been invited to join Edsby for their child.  The invitation is sent to the email address provided to the schoolf or that students parents/legal guardians.  Any parent who did not receive their invitation should contact the JEES Office to request another invite. 

(Phone 403-345-2403 or email kristy.darby@pallisersd.ab.ca)

 Edsby will be the method used to report GRADES and ATTENDANCE to parents.  Parent/Teacher Interviews will be booked through Edsby, and Report Cards will also come from Edsby.  You can use the mobile Edsby app or log-in on a computer.  The mobile app is handy if you'd like to receive mobile notifications or report attendance from your phone.  The desktop application (logging in on a computer) gives a bit more of a detailed view of everything.  

Edsby also has some help available at:  https://edsby.com/help/parents/